For more information about the iWALK 3.0, please visit our website ↓
Available in a “Combination Hire” with a rollerfoot, or Knee Scooter
For Saturday delivery, please call us
The iWALK 3.0 is the best crutch alternative for people with lower leg injuries or below the knee amputations, but it does not suit everybody. If you could walk normally prior to your injury, then we’re confident that you’ll be able to use the iWALK3.0. If you couldn’t, then it probably won’t work for you.
- Pain free, hands free mobility
- Regain your independence
- Take on or off in seconds
- Fits heights from 4’10 to 6’6”
- Comfortable for long term use
- Quickly converts for Left or Right leg use
- 1 Year Warranty
The iWALK 3.0 can give you back the mobility you lost, but it can’t give you what you did not have in the first place! If you would like some advice on whether the iWALK 3.0 is right for you before placing your order, please telephone us on 0800 395 395.
iWALK 2.0 Testionials
See what our customers have to say about the iWALK 2.0
Marty Peet – Mount Maunganui – December 2020
After breaking my left ankle (3 fractures/ligaments requiring a plate and screws) while playing golf, I was distraught!!! 10 weeks without golf!!! We are coming into our Xmas Ham Tournament season, I couldn’t miss out on that. People were giving me all sorts of advice, get that trolley thing, you can go shopping etc – I needed to go GOLFING :=]
After some research I found the iWalk 2.0 and thought to myself, this might work. I went and had one fitted and some lessons walking (thanks Dave), got home and practiced a few swings on the front lawn, rang the boys up to book a round. My first attempts were purely arm swings, not pretty, short, snap hooks, topped it, fatted it – you name it and the next morning pain in my lower back and sore muscles on my left side. I decided to fine tune my swing, rotating around the iWalk and ending up with my body facing the direction of the swing (you can see this in the video). Much improved!!! My longest drive (3 wood actually) off the tee got out a good 200m and I need to hit 1 or 2 irons lower into most greens BUT today I reached all par 5’s in 3 shots (longest 481m) and was on 3 of 4 par 3’s off the tee (I play off a 12.1 WHS handicap, 61 yrs old) Putting and chipping isn’t much changed, very easy with the iWalk.
In my opinion the iWalk is brilliant. Freeing me up to keep doing what I love, though not sure I’ll win a Xmas ham, maybe the guys can re-design to assist me :=] It is absolutely essential around home allowing me to help out with all the chores, dish washing, laundry, cooking, making the
beds – yes I’m a male :-] The other thing that surprised me is that even when I stumble (you can see this in the 3 wood video) the iWalk is light enough for me to recover. I have yet to take a fall (touch 3 wood) and the quick release straps make it quite simple to get on and off as required. All in all, if you are incapacitated by a break in your lower leg, go and get an iWalk, you won’t be disappointed.
Attila Cegledi – New Plymouth
I have had a load of broken bones over my 62 years as I used to race motorbikes and sidecars and I wish I had one of these many years ago. It is really awesome and I have been walking around on it this morning and to be able to walk upright on two legs after 5 days is an awesome feeling.
Melissa Jones – Rangiora
Just wanted to let you know I received the iwalk2.0 yesterday, watched videos last night and got it operational today. Setup and practice took about 30min and then I have been away, has been amazing being able to take care of my two kiddies again, being able to carry my baby again is amazing!
Just wanted to thank you so much for your amazing service and providing such a great piece of equipment. One happy and much less stressed mummy here!
Liz Mackinlay – Napier
Thank you so much for supplying us with the iWalk in 2018. We got one of these back in 2018 when my hubby was unfortunate enough to break his ankle in a few places, 4 weeks prior to us going on a 4 month overseas trip. It was the best for getting around, small enough to fit in the boot of our car and very easy to get around the many awkward stairs and steep terrain of Europe. He used it for 8 weeks. What to do once he finished with it? He wanted to give it to someone else. We were sitting in a restaurant in Wales and saw a young girl came hobbling in on her crutches with a cast from foot to knee.
It was a recent accident and she had already had enough of the crutches under her armpits, let alone the difficulty getting around. Hubby said he had a walker in the boot of the car – would she like to try it out? She gave it a trial and was instantly hooked. We offered it to her for free and she was overwhelmed and extremely grateful. She also said she had a friend who had also just broken a few bones and would need it for a lot longer than her (once she had finished using it) and so she would pass it on to him. Couldn’t have approached a more deserving person.
We heard from her about a year after and she expressed her gratitude again and said she had passed it on to her friend. So, thank you guys – you sell an amazing product which has gone around the world!